With steak and green beans. Delish. 30 b.o.r.b.r. at least. Mmm.
Mendoza Argentina.
With steak and green beans. Delish. 30 b.o.r.b.r. at least. Mmm.
Mendoza Argentina.
Always wonderful even when I spill it because there’s a fly in it. Gah!
36 bottles of RingBoRee
@HaraszthyWinery 2017 Bearitage Lodi old vine Zinfandel.
Always a solid choice. 32 bottles of Ringboree (on our 40-bottle scale).
Bourbon has a way of slowly growing on me, as I settle into the flavors and aromas. Four Roses single barrel is spicy, with tons of caramel and leather and toast, and is easily the best bourbon I can afford on a regular basis. Also, it’s a great way to celebrate the end of the work day.
31 bottles of Ringboree.
Yeah, some day I need to put more rigor into my ranking scale.